HomeCity NewsBurbank Spotlights Reductions in Water Use

Burbank Spotlights Reductions in Water Use

Burbank announced on Tuesday that the city’s water usage has decreased. This news is the latest benchmark in a yearslong effort to build green water infrastructure.

Burbank officials said the city is implementing new conservation measures to ensure a sustainable and affordable water supply for residents.

“Thanks to consistent education and community outreach, Burbank reduced its water usage by 17.6% between 2020 and 2023,” city officials posted on Facebook.

While the city is 100% dependent on imported water and does not possess water rights over its ground water supply, Burbank can preserve its water supply and keep costs low for consumers because it can store several years’ worth of water underground until it comes time to pump it, treat it, and deliver it to residents, BWP officials said.

“Having a commitment to conservation requires everyone,” said Mayor Nick Schultz. “Cities need to educate and communicate the issues to their residents. It requires council leadership, department execution and community awareness.”

Burbank adopted a Sustainable Water Use Ordinance in 2016 focused on horticulture management, recycling water, native plants and low-flow irrigation. The city can fine consumers who don’t follow the ordinance but waives the fine for those who attend “water school.” People tend to make the needed adjustments after the first warning letter, officials said.

First published in the June 1 print issue of the Burbank Leader.

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